
Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What are my Goals for this Term?

Namaste Blog world! I wanted to share with you my presentation called 2015 Student Conferences Term 3. I have set new goals and eventually I will achieve them!


  1. Kia Ora Toma,
    And this is a great presentation you have made for your Conference this term!!!!. Also I love how you have made each slide different colours. And I just wanted to say one thing will you be resilient while achieving your goals?. If you do want to reply you know you can reply!.
    Also here is a link to my blog if you would want to check it out:

  2. Hi Toma,
    You are really smart.
    Can you teach me some tips that you use for your learning?
    What is your favourite subject?
    You are really talented and forces with your learning.


  3. Nice Work! Toma I really like the way you use great vocabulary and teaching all the kids that see this post to go on things you're suppose to be on we have the same rule and it is hard for some people to follow it but we are all following it now I like the way you set goals for your self but I wonder did or will you ever accomplish your goals?


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