
Thursday, 21 May 2015

The Fireball in the dark sky!

Hi Blog World! This is my Information Report about Mars. Hope you enjoy it! (Don't mind the different font colours)
Have you ever wondered what that fire red ball in the sky is?

Mars, the fourth Planet from the Sun. However, still bitter cold. This blazing/chilled ball is not a habitable (non living) place.

What does Mars look like/have? Although very like Earth, it doesn’t accommodate H2O. It contains volcanic basalt rock beneath the layer of dust. There are tall volcanoes, but the biggest, most know volcano is Olympus Mons. Amazingly, Mars has the largest canyon in the entire Solar System, Valles Marineris (Valley of the Mariners). Mars is one weird looking planet!

Mars’ Orbits
Mars is our closest neighbour although its orbit is completely different. It takes 687 days which is about two years! It is the 2nd Planet that takes the longest time to circle. Mars is 22,900,000km away from the Sun which is super far away! From Earth, it is 225,300,000 km away. So we aren’t really a close neighbour.

Mars’ Moons
Strangely, Mars has two lumpy potatoes(Moons)! Deimos, is the smaller and outer of the two natural satellites of the planet Mars with a mean radius of 6.2 km. He also has a friend, Phobos. Phobos is the larger and inner of the two natural satellites of Mars.

I hope this has encouraged you to make your own report about Mars! Here is a helpful link if you wish for more fun facts about Mars: Also use this link to learn about all of the planets:

My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading:

  • is an interesting title (I might have phrased the title as a question.)
My opening paragraph:

  • says what my report is about in a clear way
  • gives a general “classification” – and maybe a technical classification
  • outlines the main features of the subject
My main paragraphs:

  • have sub-headings where helpful
  • have clear topic sentences  (topic and main point)
  • are organised so that each paragraph is about a different aspect of the subject
  • give detailed information (factual descriptions)
  • include specific, technical vocabulary
  • are generally balanced (have a similar amount of detail about the different aspects I write about)
  • may have helpful: tables, pictures and/or diagrams to add information
My end paragraph:

  • draws the report together/sums up my main points
  • may give a personal opinion; ask the reader a question and/or tell the reader where further information may be found

1 comment:

  1. Hi Toma,
    You have shared some interesting facts about Mars. In terms of your writing, your next steps are:
    1) To use topic sentences consistently (in your main paragraphs)
    2) To add more factual detail - this will help your writing to 'flow' more.


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