I was a Year 6 student at Hay Park School in Auckland, NZ. I was in McCahon Class and my teacher was Mrs Kingston. This is where I shared my learning.
Our class had a blog and you can visit it by clicking here.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
McCahon Reflection
Here is a presentation I have made which is basicly a reflection.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Wonderopolis Wonders (Can you sneeze with your eyes open?)
Here is a wonderful presentation made by me and my classmate. It is about, "Is it possible to sneeze with your eyes open?"
Friday, 5 December 2014
My Personal "Great Memories!" Presentation!
Here is a presentation of all the great memories I have had this year and all the great people I have come across!
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Openning Day!
This was opening day where al the parents and children gather around in Hay Park school, and watch our amazing performances representing different countries. This was how we were before it started.
Athletics Day!
This was Athletics day and it was so much fun! I was in white team and most of my friends were in different colours.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Twitter Tweet!
Here is my tweet that I have made this morning about how I feel!
I feel really eager because it is nearly the holidays! I had real fun this year and hope that next year would be better!
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Stop Motion "I Love My Chromebook" Reflection
Here is my reflective Statement for my Stop Go Animation video!
I think our Stop Motion Movie was great because we didn’t have too much detail and we had a perfect amount of pictures. We were quite creative with the drawings we made and maybe next time we could try not to get our fingers in the photo. My next step would be to make sure there are enough pictures for each scene so it could be long enough to read or observe.
Here is a video that is about why I love my Chromi!
Monday, 3 November 2014
I need to keep working on the questions highlighted in orangey yellow. Now, I'm going to write these wrong answers onto a whiteboard and get a buddy to test me on them. I hope next time I get them right!
See if you know the answer when you have to answer them in 2 secs.
Friday, 31 October 2014
Book Club Reflection!
My Book Club novel is: The Sign Of The Warrior
How much did you know about Book Club before we started?
I thought it was just a club where adults usually go to and talk about the book that they’ve read. I also thought that they just discuss what book they are going to read, or what page/chapter they’re going to read up to.
What were your goals for Reading and Book Club? Have your goals changed? Are you on track to meet your goals?
One goal of mine was to “Make a conclusion or an assumption.” I did not understand what it ment and didn’t know if I could achieve it. Untill, a workshop came along called “T Workshop: Make a conclusion or an assumption.” Just what I needed!
If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your learning so far?
I would think about, how much work I have been doing related to my goal and if I was working hard. I would also see if I was really trying to achieve my goal and if I really want to achieve at a high standard.
As you look at your work so far, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
I wish I could read more at home so I can catch up with my group and so I will see what the story is about in a nick of time!
Friday, 12 September 2014
My What?, So What?, Now What? Reflection
In my amazing adventure in Genius Hour, I have been through a lot. I have been: Researching, Publishing, Decorating and much more. It was a lot of work but at least I speeded through it.
So What?
With this great idea of Genius Hour, I get to choose what topic I want to learn! It helps us to create interest in individual things. It helped me so much because you don’t need the teacher nagging on and on about what you have to do all the time.
Now What?
I am going to try decorate my work even more so it will look eye catching and so it will look pretty and not plain on boring. Also, I am going to try make sure that everything makes sense and add in some images that is related to the text.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
May Road Trip
What I learn’t at the amazing May Road Trip! Was not to be shy and give things ago. Because, what happens if that is the only time you will have an opportunity to do something like that? So thats what I did, I gave things a go and made a lot of new friends. When I say a lot, I MEAN a lot.
So what?
It helped me a lot with being more confident around new people I haven’t met before. Also, since we have been doing warm up games, it gave everyone an opportunity to meet new people. Possibly some old friends that we've met before.
Now what?
Now, I am not going to be shy with other students any more, especially since I have a lot of encouragement from my brand new friends, and obviously my old friends too. Never forget your old ones!
We have been working on Genius Hour projects! For those who have not a clue of what Genius Hour projects are. It is a project that you pick any topic or passion to work on that you are really interested in! So, my Genius Hour project was about “We Wonder How Words and Numbers Work In Different Languages?” It was a lot of work to get that question, but it was worth it.
Friday, 29 August 2014
My Learn To Code Reflection
I have learnt was that there are codes to everything. To begin with, codes help generate games and all sought of things.
So what:
That helped me with was figuring out codes to finish levels, earn trophies. But, most importantly, it taught me how to problem solve! What an amazing tool to use when creating objects, and other things!
Now what:
My goal is to keep trying to get better at coding and never give up because it is quite hard (Actually really hard) to code when you are underestimated.
I Wonder?
Hello there bloggers. Here is a picture of all the I Wonder question I have been wondering about. I have used a website called "Popplet". It is a very good tool when trying to connect ideas or keep questions neat and tidy. Well, this actually will help a lot when you need to right some quick ideas/questions and a click of a button will save all of it. How amazing is that! You can add images, words, and I am sure all other things!
Cyber Smart: My Online Code
This is an amazing presentation I have made. It is about cyber smart and what you should do in some situations. Here are some of the best 4 facts that I have, 1 from each slide:
- Stop, Think, Do
- Represent Hay Park School
- Treat people how you want to be treated
- Give credit for the peoples' work
Hope you enjoy!
How Is Music Made
Here is a presentation I have been working on for the past 2 weeks. My partner was Ana, we worked hard on it and we both hope that you enjoy! It is about music and here is three facts about music;
- Music was a big part of life in middle age times
- Synonym/meaning of Troubadours is French medieval lyric poet
- Music featured heavily in celebrations
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Millileters To Liters
This is a presentation I have been working on about for my maths. I have been learning about Millileters and Liters. Hope you learn from it!
Inside The Coral Reef
Here is a presentation that I have made with my friends and it is about Coral Reefs. We have put a lot of effort into it so we all hope that you enjoy!
Descriptive Free Verse Poem
Here is 3 wonderful poems that I have created that describes the pictures above it. The "Creepie Show" Image inspired me to write about dark and misty things and the "Wave" picture put a poem in my head about how it splashes at the shore and what it kind of looks like. Last of all the "Mother and it's kitten
Monday, 18 August 2014
Kina Making Sound Underwater
What are Kina? Well, here are some awesome facts about how sound travels underwater from a Kina. So lets get to it!
Kina use their rasping teeth to scrape on a rock to get all of the algae off. Which makes a loud sound that goes out into the sea. It also creates sound waves when they scrape their teeth.
Scraping their teeth then makes the Kina’s shell vibrate. Which means it moves like a cheetah running 70 mph (110 kmh). So when that happens, the sound would eventually reflect around the sea.
Sound waves is when the sound of the scraping teeth would spread out and create a wave of that sound. Eventually, it would make the Kina then shake (vibrate).
Besides just reflecting, meanwhile it would send out to other sea creatures (small fish). Despite the other small fish, the Kina gets more weak. Because of the energy traveling into a larger space.
Afterall, Kina can be a little annoying at times. Right? Surprisingly, Algae looks quite like seaweed or some mashed up greens! Besides that, as you can easily realise that Kina can get weak when the energy quickly goes into a larger place.
In week 4 of term 3 our class has been focusing on learning how to write great explanations about how sound travels underwater. We have expanded our vocabulary in our inquiry topic ‘The Noisy Reef,’ and learnt about the structure of a great explanation piece. It was quite a challenge, but we really enjoyed watching clips to stimulate our ideas and having discussions about terms which were new to us.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
How to measure a Triangle by using HxB
This is my PixiClip of how to measure a Triangle by using HxB (H=Hieght and B=Base)
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Well Known Coral Reefs
Today we learned how to use Google Maps to find and label the most well known reefs around the world.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Movenote: Nga Mihi Introductions
This is my visual mihi on Movenote. I hope you enjoy it. I have worked hard on it. Click on the link above to watch my Movenote.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Wow! 20 in a row! I am getting better and better. I am going to try get myself to, 50 in a row! Its going to be hard. But I can do it!
Whoops! I got a couple wrong answers. Well, I have to keep on practising! I know I'll get better at maths.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
WOW! I am getting better at Xtramaths everyday. Now I am getting much better scores in my Maths Tests.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Key Competencies Reflection From The Last Two Terms
This is an "Abcya word cloud" that I have made about my key competencies. I wrote three pharagraphs about my Key Competencies. So when I went on Abcya word cloud I copy and pasted all of my work and transformed it into a wonderful art work of words I have used the most.
When I go on other people's blog I can write some positive comments about what they have posted. I can use ICT to gain more information online, for example I can reply on the comments that my friends have made on my blog. So we can have a conversation, about my work and so I can do better.
I can talk about my topic and share my ideas with the group. When the group speaks I listen so I know what their idea is. Also because I don’t want to repeat what the other person had said. Listening to the group helps me learn what they already know and so we can create different things.
I work with my team and learn new things together. Suddenly, I have gained more confidence and now I can share everything I know with my group and they can learn a lot from me. Together me and my team we can create new things because with more people the better the creation.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
This is a presentation about our wonderful mangroves. Our class started learning about them because of our experience from our Long Bay trip. So Mrs Kingston (My Teacher) brought in a friend of her. His name is Kinady and he is a famous photographer. So he went on a trip around mangroves and taught the whole class about the land and sea creatures that live with our nga manawa.
Friday, 20 June 2014
The Sensitive Snail
This is a presentation about a story I have read about "The Sensitive Snail". We have been learning about Paua so now when someone asks me a question about Paua my answer would be quick and clear. Hope you enjoy!
The Sensitive Snail,
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Our Fabulous Trip To Long Bay
Tomorrow is my trip to long bay! Yay! I am so excited. I am going to have a great time! What I would really like to see on the sandy beach is cockles and a LOT of different shells. I hope I learn some new creatures.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Plight Of The Sea Turtles
Here is a presentation about "How do sea turtles react to their surroundings" and "How do sea turtles survive in their habitat". My class and I have been learning about different sea creatures. I am excited to share all my work with you!
Hope you enjoy!
Plight Of The Sea Turtles,
Why Do Sea Turtles Lay Their Eggs On The Beach?
Here is a presentation about "Why Do Sea Turtles Lay Their Eggs On A Beach?". I have been working on this question for a long time and now it is time for me to share all of the answers. Now when someone asks you about Why Do Sea Turtles Lay Their Eggs On A Beach? You would have the answer.
Hope you enjoyed my report and hope you have enough ideas about turtles!
Thursday, 12 June 2014
My Flipping eBook on My Goal Settings Presentation
This is my flipping eBook on My Goal Settings. I had fun using the website: Flipsnack.com. I enjoyed choosing my template, cover and background.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Thinglink: Ocean Currents
We have been exploring Thinglink and using it to create content which other people can use to learn from. This Thinglink is about Ocean Currents.
Here are some facts I have learnt about Ocean Currents:
- The currents are caused by thermohaline which is salt and heat
- Cold salty water is denser than warm water
- Salty water is heavier than normal water
Ocean Currents,
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
WOW! Look at that. I am getting smarter by the minute! Now I am having an easier time answering hard maths questions. I have already gotten better than last time!
Try beat me!
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Marine Habitat Elephant Seals
This term we are learning about Marine Habitat. I have been learning about elephant seals. Here are some cool facts I have learnt:
- Males are bigger than females because their huge necks are made out of blubber
- Elephants seals have an inflatable snout
- The southern elephant seals live in sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters
PixiClip Equal Edition
This video is about a strategy that I am working on. It is called Equal Edition and this has been my most challenging yet! Here is how you really answer maths questions.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
My Comment To Owairaka District School

This was a comment I made to Owairaka District School on Suhayra's blog. I was looking at the picture of her and the information that she wrote about her.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Goal Setting
Here is a presentation about my Goal Settings. I am very good at maths and it is my favourite subject. I have learn't a lot. Here is my Goal Setting!
Hope you enjoy!
Goal Setting,
Totem Poles
Here is my presentation about Totem Poles. This Term we have been working on our magnificent Totem Poles. It is challenging but it is still worth it because it is going to be stuck with cement in the grass so everyone in the school can look at them.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Welcome To My Blog!
Hi everyone,
This is my first blog post. I am so excited! I hope I will make more blog posts for you to enjoy! Hope you like all my blog posts. Also, please leave comments!
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